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Find a nanny share in Santa Fe Springs - 90671

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the 23/10/19 : Seeking a nanny share for 10 month old son - either where you have a full time nanny that I can join in part time or you and I are both seeking a part time nanny that when put together creates a full time schedule in which case the time wouldn't actually be shared but just combined to make a more attractive offer to a nanny seeking full time. I'm looking to stay within a very small radius of my home. Ideally south of Pico, west of 20th St, and north of Rose. Please let me know if th...

the 04/12/18 : We have a great Nanny here in Santa Monica. We were previously part of a Nanny share but the other family moved. We are looking for another family with a child, 6 months > 3 years, to share our Nanny throughout the week and reduce the cost.