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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Hello there! My name is Najmah . I am originally from Cape Town, South Africa, but have been living in MA for almost 13 years! I am a 24 year old, online junior at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, studying IT Computer Security...

My name is Melissa. I am from Medford, MA, I have a bachelors degree in Child Psychology. I am the oldest of 14 grandchildren. I started to babysit was I was 13 years old. I got my babysitting certificate and first aid when I was 13 year...

Hi, My name is Lisa and I am looking for a position as a Nanny. I am a very caring person who would be a wonderful caregiver for children. I brought up three children of my own and they are all off to college/work and doing well...

Je m'appel Marie j'ai 19 ans et J'habite à Castries. Je suis actuellement en première année d'info-communication à l'itic de Montpellier. J'ai toujours eu un bon feeling avec les enfants , je les adore et eux aussi . Je sais être auto...

Dear Potential Family! I saw your advertisement for a Nanny on the site. I have several years of experience working for another family and have impeccable references. I'm completing my Degree in Business Management and plan to achieve ...

Hello everybody! My name is LAauren. I have many years in childcare, babysitting and I have Ali been a nanny. I can ensure you understand how children grow and develop. I would provide your children with a stimulating environment and ma...

Lavoro come babysitter da 5 anni, di cui gli ultimi due negli Stati Uniti, il mio inglese al momento è molto vicino alla perfezione e sotto richiesta posso introdurre la lingua ai bambini attraverso il gioco e la quotidianità a qualsiasi...

I am a nanny that has 10 years + of experience with working with children of ages 0-up. I am looking for a full time job. I have my driver’s license and my own car to arrive to work. I speak English and Portuguese fluently and know a lit...

Hi my name is Marisa Pena and I am looking for a babysitter/nanny position. I am a 1st year student at the University of Maine majoring in nursing. I have some experience babysitting as I used to babysit for a family with 3 kids all unde...

Toute nouvelle sur le site nounou-top Je suis une personne majeure, expérimentée avec les enfants et nouveaux né. Le prix de 8, 00 je pense qu'il est correct. Je suis véhiculée. Je peux m'occuper de vos enfants les, mardi, mercredis,...

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