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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Ashley, nanny share in Memphis 38104

the 07/11/20: A little bit about us… In need of a family to share a part-time nanny with our daughter (will be 6 months old) beginning in January. We currently live in Washington DC, but will be moving to midtown Memphis in late November. Ideally we would like to share hosting locations with a family nearby with a 1-2 days per week at each home. Searching for a family with one child near our daughter’s age (6 mos to 1 year.) Cost should be around $10-15 per hour per family or we will pay up to $18 for a d...

Ann, family for nanny sharing - 38197 Memphis

the 12/04/18: My husband and I both work full time and are looking for a nanny for our (now 5 month old) daughter starting in August. Hours would be about 8 to 5:30 ideally. Thanks!