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Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

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Hello my name is Guadalupe im 14 years old looking for a babysitter/nanny job. I wanna work with children who are understandable it would help me so much. I don't mind picking up their mess after making one. I can clean and cook I help a...

Do you want someone who will be active with your children and set a good role model for them? Look no further. I am 35years old and have a lot of experience caring for kids. I started babysitting when I was little and still love it till ...

Yo soy una mujer buena y dedicada. Yo tengo mas de 10 años cuidando niños de familia y amigos y las mias. A mi me gusta jugar y enseñar les a los niños. Yo les cocino. Yo estoy buscando a 6-7 niños para cuidar en mi casa. Es una casa Gr...

Soy una joven con muchas ganas de aprender, me considero una persona muy responsable, atenta y cariñosa por lo que mi relación con los niños será impecable

Hello! My name is Bel and at the moment I am entering into the eleventh grade. Now I know what you are thinking, aren't I a bit young for babysitting? Well, I like to think I'm mature for my age and I've also babysat since ninth gra...

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Amandine , je suis étudiante en première année de licence en Histoire de l'art et archéologie à l'université de Rennes 2. Je suis issue d'une famille nombreuse, j'ai 4 sœurs et un petit frère, leurs âges varies ent...

Hello I'm Julia B, I am a college student, home for the summer. Any job will have to be part-time as I do go back once the school year starts. I've taken of kids for 7 years now, I truly do enjoy it and I love building connections wit...

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