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With Confidence

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Hi! My name is Emily, and I am 17 and a senior in highschool! I have been working with children since middle school, as a babysitter for family and friends, and as well as volunteering in childcare at my family's church. I love working w...

Hola mucho gusto mi nombre es damaris tengo 18 años son madre de dos niños nesesito trabajar para ellos así como ustedes y por esa razón busco cuidar niños en mi hogar nesesito mucho trabajar sus hijos estarían en muy buenas manos me gu...

Hi, my name is Bella. I love working with children, I find it rewarding to assist and be there for kids in ways that sometimes goes unnoticed. Children are funny and great to be around. I am currently working at a school with tk-1st grad...

I am a charismatic and fun loving 26 year old who absolutely loves taking care of kids! It is not as much of a job to me as anything else would be as I genuinely love spending time with kids and helping them grow! I want to be someone ki...

Hi! My name is Amelia and I live in Venice, California. This upcoming year I will be a sophomore at UC Davis. My major is Marine Biology with a minor in music. I have been playing the violin for 10 years and I have been singing in choi...

Hi! My name is Jazmin, I am 27 years old and recently moved to Los Angeles. I have a degree in global studies from UACH in mexico. I love children and I have some experience working with them. I am mainly looking for babysitting as I cur...

My name is Mary. I have been a teacher for 10 + years and have devoted my life to care for children and the development. I am currently a preschool teacher and have received an associate, bachelor, and masters degree. I create curri...

Hi my name is savanna. i am currently 20 years old. i work at a school called haynes family of programs. We help kids who struggle with autism with daily activities, academics, and help them reach their goals. We are also constantly doi...

I am 23yrs I'm a mother of 3 boys , I will gladly work in the evenings. I have no experience but I can learn and get experience with your lovely family. I'm wanting to work part time to help my husband with our needs. All moms worry abou...

Hello my name is Destiny and I'm a highschool student who loves to take care of children. I've basically have taken care of children since I was in middle school. I know how to do laundry, housework and tutor kids! I can tutor middle sch...

Soy Brenda Monzon, ante todo creo en Dios y le amo, soy Dinamica, divertida y muy creativa. He decido que deseo cuidar bebes ya que me encantan disfruto estar con ellos y me dicen que a ellos también les gusta estar conmigo. Especialment...

Hello, I'm an 18(almost 19) year-old college student majoring in Psychology. I'm looking to take up jobs that involve caring for children and animals(if needed). Although due to my age, it might seem as though I don't have much experienc...

ho 16 anni e frequento un liceo classico, so aiutare i vostri figli a fare i compiti, posso portarli fuori all’aria aperta a fare delle passeggiate perchè conosco le zone, i bambini con cui sono stata si sono divertiti

Soy ama de casa, me encantan los niños, tengo un bebé de un año 8 meses y me gustaría cuidar niños cuando sus padres salgan o cuando lo necesiten.

Bonjour! Je suis étudiante à l'université à Los Angeles et je cherche un travail qui peut accompagner mes études. J'avais déjà travaillé comme fille au pair en France et j'avais gardé des enfants depuis 5 ans. J'aime travailler avec les ...

My ñame is Tatiana I'm 31 years old very energetic, patience, fun loving women with allot of creativity ideas, I drive have my own car, insurance and clean driving record non smoker.

Hi, My name is Lillian . I live Claremont with my twins who are starting college in the fall. I love children and the great outdoors. I have no problems take your child to the park, beach and other exciting things. I'm 51 and will be a...

Hola! Soy Carla y busco ser canguro de niños en días espontáneos en los que se me necesite Estoy estudiando Veterinaria en la Universidad Católica de Valencia A parte de cuidar a los niños no tengo problema en hacer tareas de la casa...

Hi what kind of care are you looking for? I’m 45, I’ve 3 kids and I raised them and they’re all grown up now and I would love to start babysitting again something I always love to do.

Principalmente guardo la ética y confidencialidad en la casa que trabajo, como niñera me gusta la actividad diaria, correr, bailar, que el niño interactue con otros niños, que pueda hablar en español. Estoy buscando como cuidar bebé cang...


mi nombre Elizabeth busco trabajo de nnera soy paciente no me gusta el mal trato alos ninos mas que una nana trato de ser una amiga para ellos que se sientan seguros conmigo

Hola me llamo Nora y estoy buscando trabajo de niñera. Tengo dos hijos de 18 y 21 años que fueron mi primer experiencia. Después cuide a varios niños de meses y de edades más grandes. Los llevaba a la escuela, les daba de comer, etc. Soy...