Ad modified on 4 July 2024 at 21:35
I will be working at the UPS. My hours will be from 11a.m to 10p.m. My child goes to school MON, TUES, THURS, FRI from 0750-2p.m. WED school lets out at 1250 p.m. So I need a sitter willing to pick up my child at Waipahu Elementary School and bring them to their residence, do homework, eat and a little school prep, book reading, shower and nap. After I get out of work which is towards 11p.m. I will be at the sitters address to pick up my child. I am looking for someone close to me. And also I will be very busy during Christmas eve so yes if anyone will not mind, I would need the help then also. I am just starting my job so I currently don't have funds to pay upfront but when the 2 weeks is in I will give them full payment.